When in the water, if you trust yourself and let go, you will float




If you try to be as you are on land you will drown


ATTACHMENT - Clinging on to things


If you clutch at water, you immediately lose it. If you cup it in your hands, you can hold it.




I don't teach anything, I have no doctrine, nothing to sell you


NO-THING - the ultimate reality - just being, not doing


The true meaning of life is no meaning, its purpose is no purpose and its sense is nonsense


Look at your actions and ask "Am I doing this from love, or from fear?". If you are working in fear, you will get fear, and it will do nothing to help you. If you are really working from love you will get love. The energy always returns to the principal.


Life isn’t a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced


For every outside there is an inside, and for every inside there is an outside, and although different, they go together


You don’t find one without the other


Just be, not attached


The positive cannot be without the negative, the negative cannot be without the positive


You are it


Boredom is the other side of creativity, and the law of opposites (yin and yang) applies to it fully.


How would you know you were alive unless you’d once been dead?


The enjoyment is in the discovering, the pondering, rather than the answering and the concluding


All objects are objectionable


Since we are growths of the world, we cannot destroy it. Can the apple destroy the apple tree? Natural things are all interlinked and dependant on each other.


You do not come into this world, you come out of it.


The thinker of thoughts is just one of the thoughts

The feeler of the feelings is just one of the feelings

The experiencer of the experience is just part of the experience


Grammatical rule that verbs have to be subjects


Just a grammatical rule not a rule of nature


When I am saying “you are feeling” I am just saying “there is feeling there”


Begin to see the ‘outside’ physical world as an extension of your own body and you will see the universal laws become apparent


The unanswerable questions ARE the answer


The past and future exist in the present


Everybody starts from some fundamental assumptions – axioms for living, in the subconscious


Any experience that we have through our senses is a vibration


Vibration – on or off – crests and troughs


Crests and Troughs are inseparable – can’t have one without the other


Different things can be inseparable


Black and white are inseparable


We think that one side should win, ignoring the universal law of opposites


We specialize in concentrated, focused attention

Ignorance of everything outside that field


If you concentrate on a figure, you tend to ignore the background


Everything exists with everything else


What we notice is what is noteworthy


We process a small fraction of what comes to our senses


What goes on inside is inseparable from what goes on outside


The organism is not the puppet of the environment, neither is the environment the puppet of the organism, the relationship is transactional


No selling unless someone buys and no buying unless someone sells


Unified field of behaviour


Being able to predict increases anxiety and fear – worrying about the future


You know you are feeling alright because you have something in the back of your mind to compare your present state to


How would you know you were outstanding if there was not something instanding


Substance – Underlying – The Foundation – No Thing


There must be no thing for some thing to exist – thus no thing is equally important as some thing


That which always escapes you is absolutely necessary for there to be anything whatsoever


There’s nothing to rely on because you are it


The universe looks through itself from uncountable points of view, so as not to be one-sided


Trying to control thoughts with thoughts is like trying to bite your own teeth


The feeling of self relies on there being at the same time, a contrast


Therefore you cannot have the feeling of being a voluntary acting self without the involuntary happening


How do you will to abandon your will?


The ‘self’ is itself a mental formation, a product of the mind. It is therefore empty of inherent existence


The ego is your symbol of yourself


Holding onto yourself so tightly that you strangle yourself


If you hold onto something, you start seriously suffering


Pleasure is the figure, pain is the background


The wake doesn’t drive the ship


Matthew Eccles is an experience; it has no definitive beginning and no definitive end


It all starts right now but we like to establish connectivity with the past


Explaining things by the past is really a refusal to explain them at all – all you are doing is postponing the explanation


You connect what you are doing now with what you did so that you can see a consistent story


Getting rid of the habit whereby you define yourself as the result of what has gone before


You define yourself in terms of what you are doing NOW


Don’t be a dog being wagged by its tail – controlled by the past


The past and the future both exist in the NOW


All thoughts are in the present and of the present


Everything is an experience, everything is change


Swim with the current, it’s much easier and less painful then fighting against it


You are as much the dark space beyond death as you are the light interval called life


You can’t have half a wave; you can’t just have crests and no troughs


Nirvana means breathe out: let go of the breath


Fighting and moaning about something in your life is as good and effective as shouting at yourself, or shouting at your teacher.


You are everyone you’ve inter acted with – life review


Separation, time and space are the building blocks of physical reality


Nothing has built in meaning


The greatest gift that creation has given to us is that life has no meaning


Precognition – seeing from the hilltop rather than seeing from the valley


All that is cannot be all that is unless it experiences all it can


Physical reality is one possible way that this experience can happen


Reality shifts to support your belief systems


You only have your own energy to deal with


Fear is telling you that something about you is out of alignment with what you truly want


Energy is passing through belief system filters that are out of alignment with your true self => Feeling c.k.a. Fear


Fear is not an obstacle; it is part of the path. To show you something you need to know. If you think of it as an obstacle then it will be just that.


Use the fear in a positive way. It is a rung on the ladder. If you devalue a rung on the ladder, you cannot climb the ladder, since the rung will crack and break.


Doubt is trusting in a belief that you do not prefer. Something is out of alignment.


If you insist on something being a particular way, you prevent the higher mind from providing it to you in a way that could be more beneficial to you.


Seeing the road is seeing from the higher mind, it is a reassurance from the higher mind – believe it.


No organism will ever annihilate its reason for existence


There is a balance of supports and challenges to all belief systems


Bad is what people perceive when they don’t know how to look for the other side


We’re not serving the world by holding on to a bullshit illusion about something, because we’re unwilling to look for the other side


There is never a crisis without a blessing, a loss without a gain, a negative without a positive


There is no door that shuts without a window that opens


Anything that you resent runs your life until you love


If you infatuate you minimize yourself and you are ungrateful for you


Emotions are mass; they can gravitate and pull us down


Events are events.


Do you want to become a victim of circumstance?


If something challenges your belief system, you label it bad; if something supports your belief system, you label it good


Good and bad are illusions based on belief systems, which filter our perceptions of events


There is a timeless mind and ageless body


Anything we are infatuated with or resent, is stored as a memory (illusion), until we are ready for the truth to see the balance of it, and once we see the balance of it we actually love it for what it is, instead of fantasizing about what we imagine it to be


You can’t solve the paradox from the level of the paradox


Our senses automatically bias things and condition events


Disease is a gift if you know how to interpret it


Volatility shortens your life


You will never get healed through blame


The addiction to pleasure is as much a disease as pain


A balance of support and challenge to make sure you grow


People want one side more than the other; they are blocking themselves from growth


Being happy all the time destroys people’s lives


Those with the highest certainty and highest visions rule and govern the field